Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 23

A picture of your favorite book
(other than the Bible)

Every good Christian girl grew up reading three things.

1. The Teen Study Bible - you know, the one that had a page on s-e-x in Joshua somewhere that we were all too embarrassed to look at during G.A.s

2. I Kissed Dating Goodbye - Because no good Christian would ever date. That's a sin!

3. The Christy Miller Series by Robin Jones Gunn

I have never read a page of Harry Potter or Twilight (sue me), but I have read every single page of the Christy Miller Series MULTIPLE times. I don't recall the first day I met Christy and Todd, but I do remember anxiously searching the bookshelves of Jay's Christian Bookstore every time I was in there, hoping the latest book was in and ready for me to read in one sitting.

Apparently I was just as delusional as other Christian teens, about the reality of their existence., knowing my Todd was out there somewhere. It makes me wonder how influential these books really were in shaping my expectations for relationships and forming my theology. Did they do more harm than good? It's been over a decade (woah! old people measure time in decades!) since I last read a Christy Miller book, so I might just have to read them on our flights to and from Uganda next month, and judge for myself. I'll let you know how it goes....


  1. I was just having the same thoughts about the Christy Miller books yesterday! I too am wondering if they did a bit more harm than good. Let me know what you decide :).

  2. I remember all the above!!!! You were glued to those books. Obviously they did not corrupt you too much!!!! You have a healthy outlook on life, love, relationships and mostly the Lord Jesus Christ!!!! I love you sarah and am extremely blessed to be your mother!!!!!!
